college library
Not everything is found freely on internet so the student must go to library because it is alredy payed, free, fulltext journals and books etc. however the student are interested with library because of condusive environment for reading purposes.
In colleges, the library occupies a prominent position and it is an important and integral part of the teaching programme. It is not merely a depository of books, but an active workshop instrument in the production of or original thinking. The aim of college education and college libraries in inter-related. College library extends opportunities for self-education to the deserving and enthusiastic students without any distinction. These libraries develop in each student a sense of responsibility in the pursuit of knowledge. College library stimulates the students to obtain, evaluate and recognize knowledge and to familiarize themselves with the trends of knowledge for further education and learning new disciplines.
Library Rules
- The use of college library is strictly restricted to only bonafide students of the college.
- A student can draw only two books from library at a time.
- She can not retain a libray book for more than 14 days after which fine ate the rate rs. 1/- per day shall be charged . In case of autum & winter break however the book may be returned next day after the re-opening of the college.
- The Librarian may recall books in an emergent case.
- The borrower shall not pass library books to other.
- Reference books and periodicals are not issued to students.
- Books lost or damaged should either be replaced or their present price deposited along with fine per volume.
- before leaving the issue counter the borrower should thoroughly check the book borrowed. at the time of return if any book is damaged or disfigured the borrower shall be held responsible.
- Every student will be supplied with a borrower’s card included in the identity card. this card must be produced at the time of borrowing and returning the books.
- The students must return identity-cum-library card before they leave the college.
- Perfect silence and other must be maintained in the library at all times. The students are required to obey the librarian to maintain perfect discipline in the library.
Library Services
Our library is automated library. Library automation is use of computer to keep track all records of all the books Issue, books returns in the library.
List of Newspapers
- ਜਗਬਾਣੀ
- ਅਜੀਤ
- ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਜਾਗਰਣ
- ਅਜੀਤ ਸਮਾਚਾਰ
- दैनिक सवेरा
- दैनिक भास्कर
- पंजाब केसरी
- अजीत समाचार
- Hindustan Times
- The Tribune
List of Magazines
- Chronicle Civil Services
- Cricket Samrat
- Competition Success Review
- Digit
- Femina
- Banking Services Chronical
- Greh Shobha
- Health Nutrition
- Hunn (ਹੁੁਣ)
- Indian Today
- Meri Saheli
- ਮਹਿਰਮ
- Pratiyogita Darpan
- Preet Lari
- Reader digist
- ਪ੍ੀਤ ਲੜੀ
- Sangeet
- Sarita
- Sport Star
- ਸ਼ਬਦ
- Women’s Era
- Mainstream
- Inside Outside
List of Journals
- Economic and Political weekly
- Indian Journal of Marketing.
- Probhandhan: Indian Journal of Management
- Indian Journal of Finance
- Arthshastra Indian Journal of Economics
- Indian Journal of Research in Capital Markets
- The Sikh Review
- Employment News

Lt. Sunita Devi (Assistant Librarian)
M.A., B.Lib