Course detail
Master of Commerce (M.Com)
Semseter I
MC 101 Managerial Economics
MC 102 Statistical Analysis for Business
MC 103 Management Principles and Organization Behaviour.
MC 104 Business Environments
MC 105 Management Accounting and Control System.
MC 106 Seminar
Semester II
MC 201 Corporate Financial Accounting and Auditing
MC 202 Financial Management
MC 203 Research Methodology
MC 204 Marketing Management
MC 205 Human Resource Management
MC 206 Viva Vice
Semester III
MC 301 : Banking and Insurance Services
MC 302 : Seminar
Note: Any two of the following groups , each having two papers.
Group A: Accounting and Finance
MC 311: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
MC 312: Contemporary Accounting
Group B: Business Studies
MC 321: Strategic Management
MC 322: Security Market Operations
Group C: International Business
MC 331 : International Economics Organizations
MC 332 : Management of International Business operations
Group D: Marketing
MC 351 : Consumer Behavior
MC 352 :Retail Management
Semester IV
MC -401 International Accounting
MC-402 E-Commerce
MC- 403 Viva Vice
Note: Any of the following groups ,each having three parts .
Group A: Accounting and Finance
MC-411 International Financial Management
MC-412 Financial Markets and Financial Services
MC-412 Corporate Tax Law and planning
Group B: Business Studies
MC-421 Goods and Services Tax
MC-422 Entrepreneurship Development and Project Management.
Group C : International Business
MC-431 International Financial Markets and Foreign Exchange
MC-432 International Financial Management
MC-433 International Marketing
Group D: Marketing Management
MC-451 Advertising and Sales Management
MC-452 Brand and Distribution Management
MC-453 Services Marketing